A Quick Seed Starting Table. OA Farm
Here's an idea for a very quick seed starting table. If you have a greenhouse, and some blocks, bricks or stone laying around you can do this. You could also make one with a clay and sand mortar mix, or gravel, and some framing wood and roofing tin. The idea is to make a surface that works as a thermal mass heat storage unit. All the above materials work well as heat storage and delayed radiation devices. I you use wood fro framing it then it needs to be shielded by a non flammable material. I used old pallets under the brick because I did not have enough brick make it to the height I wanted, although I think it is a good idea to avoid ground contact with your thermal mass material anyhow and the pallets accomplish that. Ground contact could be a thermal drain on your heat block. Check back for more ideas from OA Farm. Here at the academy we want to encourage young people to see how God provides through His creation and we believe that God has many valuable reason why youth should know how to work the soil. We encourage your prayers and support as we try to build a farm project here. God bless you and thanks for visiting with us.