Overall Happenings on The Farm
We believe that the farm program is of timely and vital importance to education. If you feel you would like to help the school farm regain its stability in any way please feel free to contact us. At present we have a need to purchase a large quantity good quality compost for our clay/sand soil. Our greenhouses suffered damage from hail and need major overhauls. Only one is operational as an actual greenhouse out of 4 total. As always we have equipment needs. These are but a few of the challenges we face. Thank you for your interest and we solicit your prayer support. Below are a few glimpses of what we have undertaken since February this year.
Old compost pile cleaned up because of Johnson Grass infestation. New one is now operational
Asparagus Harvesting. Our asparagus needs to be fed with compost every year but the free compost that is local is unfortunately infested with Johnson Grass seed. We are unable to use it. We are years behind on this.
"Digging in" moved greenhouse. We need to rebuild this one for organic greens production in winter.
Starts being transplanted
Heat table for seed starting
Digging out the greenhouse to be moved
Veganic compost purchased for bed improvements
New Compost pits
Truck Load of Compost
Large bed strawed and prepared
Cumfrey Plants to be used as veganic compost material
New compost pits