Planting Season Well Underway
We have about 300 heirloom tomatoes planted. They are a bit late due to pressing repair and clean up projects that faced us when we came during the late winter or 2017. The watermelon plot is planted and the little fellars are sprouting "real nice like". We also contracted with Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company to grow some gourd seed over our greenhouse tunnel using it as a frame until we add plastic later (after harvest time this fall). We also are planting some rare okra for the same company. This will be one way we can help raise money for our needy greenhouse that is loosing its old ailing fiberglass panels to the Oklahoma wind. Here is a shot "of tham thar okree comin up". Red Velvet Okree!...... "t'aint as slimey mind"
We have about 700 of them sprouting. Some are free to the locals so that their pollen is the same as mine.
We also have some exciting watermelon and melons sprouting. These people here will be exposed to...not only the traditional red watermelon (that Mr. Hiner says is the only proper watermelon)...but to yellar, white and orange fleshed thingies also. Once upon a time people new about these other colors until the marketing system changed they was people view food.
The gourdy greenhouse frame should be fun with all them gourdy things hanging about the tunnel. We will be sure and post pictures fur ye! Should have about 50 plants and with each plant bearing many long Luffa sponge gourds I am just sure it will be VERY spongy Goourdeous lookin!
We have some new peas, Swiss Chard and radishes ready to feed those hungry students when they get back from their school trip to the North east also. No deserts till they eat their greens!!!! well we thank the Lord that so far all looks well here at the farm. If you stop by the school for a visit come drop in on us and see what we are doing here at OAFarm. Blessings to you all. Take a gander at out recent doings below!